Ea Bergstrand
is a tantra therapist with a passion for helping people experience the power of safe authentic encounters. She believes in the inherent power of being part of a safe group and in each person’s own inner place where we can allow ourselves to grow and heal.When Ea leads, it is always with motherly assurance and with a twinkle in her eye. You are invited to her safe atmosphere where she helps you both by letting you meet yourself and guides you into deep encounters with others.Over several years, Ea has accumulated knowledge and skills such as; Reiki Master, Hatha/Yin Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Actor, Conflict Counselor and Mediator. Everything Ea does is for the purpose of letting you meet yourself in your own truth and get in touch with the greatness of being human.Ea holds tantric events at Mahalya - Center for Holistic Growth in Gothenburg every other Tuesday and holding the women's group KVINNORUM every other Wednesday.
The Art of Intuitive Touch
During this workshop you will develop trust in your inner guidance through giving and receiving touch. Let yourself be guided to explore the field of trust with another nervous system and their boundaries. You are invited to learn more about trusting your senses and your intuition in meetings with others.
Sexrådgivning, Relationsrådgivning, Coachning, Parterapi, Tantramassage och Dearmorering i Grimeton utanför Varberg, i norra Halland. Parkurser, Tantrakurser för kvinnor & Lust in Life kvällar i Göteborg & Halland
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