Pan Ekbäck

Pan is a playful yet deep soul with a background in martial arts, theater, Human Ecology, tantra meditation, shamanism and educational drama. He has for a long time have had a keen interest in inner transition and sustainability. Quite often a wise word or two is shared to inspire us to find courage to be both free and responsible towards each other and our selves. Pan often guide playful and liberating workshops at festivals and burns were all feelings have space to be seen, whether it is a class in tantra, improvisation, consent, dance, breathwork or a cacao ceremony. "A change doesn't always lead to an improvement, but an improvement always starts with a change". Pans mission is to cocreate a softer, more loving, touch positive and, most of all healthy world.


”Playfulness to blissful serenity”

Join me for a journey together from curiosity and playfulness as we dive down into the depths of playfulness, deep listening and stillness flowing towards bliss. It will be an kind and open adventure into the depths of ancient human nature.

If you have a favourite blindfold, bring it! We have blindfolds for.the ones have dont have their own ones, and chose soft clothing for this workshop if you can. There will be optional touch for those who consent to this. Much welcome.Pan.