Anna Caballero

Anna Caballero

Anna is working as a coach within transformational selfleadership. Her mission in life is to help people to opening up the communication to the heart, to really listen to what our body is telling us and from there live an authentic life TO THE FULLEST! Guiding people to inviting MORE into their life, more happiness, pleasure, joy! Whatever gives them those bubbles on the inside.

Open up for the possibility that there is more out there!

Anna has been working as a life coach, both individually and with groups, for over 20 years. Her goal in life is to guide people into opening their heart och from there live a happier more fulfilled life, growing into the best possible version of themselves! To connect the mind with the body/ feelings, using techniques as sound vibrations (drumming, singing bowls etc), healing (reiki, frequency healing, crystals etc.), mindfullness, Tantra, NLP, Motivational interviewing, solution focused approach. She’s also the creator of crystal jewellery, mainly braclets, with the goal to let the crystals support the body in whatever process the body is in.

Please feel free to join her Facebook group grupp;

”Jag VILL, Jag KAN - Jag ÄLSKAR mitt liv!”https://www.facebook.com/groups/615178692781802/



Anna will take you on a journey within yourself, using sound & vibrations, drumming, singingbowls, gong, crystals etc . This is a time for YOU, to be in your own space and just land into your own body. Connect with yourself, your heart and your inner true desire.


Start the festival by connecting with the most important person there, YOU. This is a time for YOU, to be in your own space and just land into your own body, without the ”buz” from your everyday life.You will be guided into your breath, body, heart with the help of sound and vibrations. Connect with yourself, your heart and your inner true desire.